L-Y-F with Beauty & Beyond

Typically I would write about fitness or something pertaining to health. However, this post I am going to write about life – my perspective of it.

Within a year I left home and moved across the country away from my family and friends. I completely separated myself from my entire life, uprooted and took a chance on something I thought was worth giving it up all for.

Luckily, what I took a chance on is working out for the best. Have you ever taken a chance? Can you? Most people live behind excuses… live for others… create a preconceived life in their head that they have to live out. I too was one of those people until life happened and changed everything I thought I was supposed to have or would have. So what do you do? Do you give up on your dreams? Do you wallow in pity or self-loathing? Do you blame others?

When my life changed, I probably did all those things until I realized that change is good and life can be beautiful even if you don’t get the things that you THINK you need or want. Sometimes doors open to make a better future and other doors close to teach you lessons for better or for worse that make you grow for whats coming. Change is what we make it… do we look out in gloom or in hope.


Personally, I do both. My inclination bends toward gloom due to fear that I possess. The chance I took is my new life! He is my entire world and losing him scares me half to death. We aren’t always given second chances. When we are given them, take them and run with it in happiness and hope. The world is gloomy all on its own, be the brightness this world needs and the only brightness you will have in your own life.

As always Agape Love,

Ashrielle xoxo

Published by Ashrielle

My website was created to help me, help you, love ourselves. I am trying to reach as many Active, Beautiful women that I can. I am directing focus on those who have had or have an eating disorder. I am hoping to provide the hope and inspiration needed to reach the hearts of those suffering internally and let you know that everything will be ok.

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